Free Premium WireGuard VPN Account for 7 day
Secure and Easy Tunneling with Free Premium wireguard Account – Active for 7 or 5 Days
Create Account
Wireguard Server
How to Create a WireGuard Server and Configure It on an Android Device
- Open the CUSTOM UDP website and select WireGuard VPN Server from the menu.
- Fill out the form, complete reCAPTCHA, and click Create Account.
- Download the configuration file by clicking WireGuard Config.
- Install the WireGuard VPN app from the Google Play Store and open it.
- Tap the + icon, select Import from File, and import the downloaded configuration file.
- Edit the server profile by adding the valid SNI before the server address in the endpoint settings and save it.
- Activate the VPN by tapping the radio button next to the server profile.