Create Wireguard server

Secure and Easy Tunneling with Free Premium wireguard Account – Active for 7 or 5 Days

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Create Account

Wireguard Server

How to Create a WireGuard Server and Configure It on an Android Device

  1. Open the CUSTOM UDP website and select WireGuard VPN Server from the menu.
  2. Fill out the form, complete reCAPTCHA, and click Create Account.
  3. Download the configuration file by clicking WireGuard Config.
  4. Install the WireGuard VPN app from the Google Play Store and open it.
  5. Tap the + icon, select Import from File, and import the downloaded configuration file.
  6. Edit the server profile by adding the valid SNI before the server address in the endpoint settings and save it.
  7. Activate the VPN by tapping the radio button next to the server profile.